The scientist who preferred to remain anonymous for security reasons said that the Iranian scientists are strictly banned from revealing any detail about the main cause of Urmia lake’s planned extinction since it is part of Iran’s secretive nuclear project.
According to the scientist, the lake’s salt is highly enriched with uranium and the government implemented a decade long project to dry up the lake and use its salt. He said that Islamic Revolutionary Guard’s trucks are operating 24/7 to transfer thousands of tons of the salt to the nearby Iran’s nuclear facilities for uranium production.
Environmental experts have repeatedly warned the government of Iran and the international community about the continuously declining water level in Lake Urmia, which leads to increased salinity, the destruction of the lake’s ecosystem and higher occurrences of wind-blown salt-storms in the region. This devastating process also seriously affect agriculture, which relies on the lake’s water to survive, as well as the lives of the local population – a majority of which are ethnic Azerbaijanis who have witnessed continued discrimination from Iranian authorities.